The Willem C. Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot ("Vis") is applauded for upholding its reputation as the most prestigious international moot competition in the field of commercial law and arbitration. Originally founded in 1993, Vis is held yearly in Vienna with more than 300 competing teams worldwide. Seeing its success, a sister moot is established to cater to more participants. Held yearly in Hong Kong, the Vis East is attended by up to 130 teams. Vis is intended as a platform to promote and encourage the study of international commercial arbitration and the training of tomorrow's legal leaders in methods of alternative dispute resolution.
Open Recruitment: September
Competition: Memo Submission (December) & Oral Pleading (April)
Contact Person:
Aqshal Adzka (2019)
aqshaladzka@mail.ugm.ac.id / +62 812-1013-4359